Joyful Generosity

Our Past and Present: God's Grace

Grace Bible Church has demonstrated two decades of faithfulness to the gospel and expository preaching and although we have had our shares of challenges, look what God has done! We have grown in our faith and grown in our membership through both new believers and those seasoned saints desiring the feeding of God's Word. Our leadership ranks have increased, discipleship has been elevated, children's ministry has exploded, small groups are meeting, baptisms are happening, the Steadfast Bible Conference has been inaugurated, and countless other blessings have been given by our Savior.

Our Purpose: God's Mission

The purpose of Joyful Generosity: Responding to God's Grace is to teach the members of Grace Bible Church to respond to God's gift of salvation with joyful, sacrificial giving for the sake of obedience to the Lord; His subsequent blessings; and the futherance of the work of the Gospel until Christ returns in obedience to Colossians 1:28, to proclaim Christ and build His people up.

Our Goal: God's Sovereign Will

The entire point of Joyful Generosity is to first sanctify our own hearts and prove the principle that Christ gave, "for where your treasure is, that is where your heart is also." (Matt 6:21) This campaign will not only bless the ministry but will meaningfully knit your life into the life of the church. The head of the church, Jesus Christ, will honor your giving because you will never out-give Him and His sacrifice for you. May the Lord bless you, Grace Bible Church, and ultimately His kingdom. Take this challenge and God will do mighty things.

What is Joyful Generosity?

Attitudes & Results

  • Joyful Generosity: Responding to God's Grace is a three-year campaign to sanctify our own hearts by being sacrificial and obedient in our giving as stewards of God's resources and to raise capital to determine our next step in owning our own facility as we seek to be more faithful with the resources and finances we have been given.


  • Pray – Make prayer your priority! Pray that God will continue to use the people and ministries of this church to proclaim Christ.
  • Commit – Filling out a commitment card indicating your intended level of financial support lets the church leadership know of your participation.
  • Believe – Our prayerfully-considered goal is not beyond reason, and certainly not beyond God’s ability!

Funded Goals

  • Our 3-year goal is to raise $800,000-$1,000,000 through committments and an initial offering. How we move foward is dependent on the amount we raise with our capital campaign and financing. Our goal is raise enough funds to be able to 1) purchase land on which to build or 2) purchase an immediate, existing building that can accomodate our facility needs.

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