Search Results

Query: Suffering found 24 results
Sermon | 4 weeks ago

From the Worshiping Christ in Daily Life sermon series.

Media | 1 year ago

From the Cornerstone Sunday School (Various) media series.

Sermon | 1 year ago

From the Worshiping Christ in Daily Life sermon series.

Media | 1 year ago

From the 1 and 2 Peter media series.

Media | 1 year ago

From the 1 and 2 Peter media series.

Media | 1 year ago

From the 1 and 2 Peter media series.

Media | 1 year ago

From the 1 and 2 Peter media series.

Media | 2 years ago

From the 1 and 2 Peter media series.

Sermon | 2 years ago

From the Worshiping Christ in Daily Life sermon series.

Sermon Series | 2 years ago

In this series that is somewhat the preaching version of a pastor's question and answer time, Steve deals with some heart-felt questions from believers genuinely trying to live pleasing lives before the Lord. Steve will give biblical answers to questions concerning the end times, parenting, biblical...

Page/Resource | 3 years ago

Learn more about Our Statement of Faith.

Book | 3 years ago

Recommended resource. Click to learn more.

Sermon | 4 years ago

From the Worshiping Christ in Daily Life sermon series.

Sermon Series | 5 years ago

Jesus said in Luke 14:33, “Any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.” This all-consuming message of the gospel is offensive to the world because the world by nature hates Christ (John 15:18). The gospel demands surrender, repentance, and loyalty to the Lord. But in...

Sermon | 5 years ago

From the Worshiping Christ in Daily Life sermon series.

Sermon | 5 years ago

From the Worshiping Christ in Daily Life sermon series.

Sermon | 5 years ago

From the Worshiping Christ in Daily Life sermon series.

Sermon | 5 years ago

From the Worshiping Christ in Daily Life sermon series.

Sermon | 5 years ago

From the Worshiping Christ in Daily Life sermon series.

Sermon Series | 5 years ago

In this detailed look at the most famous Old Testament messianic passage, Isaiah 53, Steve reveals the majesty of Christ as shown in his work on the cross. Isaiah 53 serves not just a prophecy of the death and resurrection of Christ, but as a monument for all time to witness to the atoning work of...

Sermon | 8 years ago

From the Worshiping Christ in Daily Life sermon series.

Sermon | 9 years ago

From the Worshiping Christ in Daily Life sermon series.

Sermon Series | 9 years ago

In this series upon which the book of the same name was based, Steve delves into the dark world of suffering to demonstrate that light and hope are indeed possible in God. Focused especially upon the sovereignty of God, Steve gives lessons from the lives of key Bible characters on how they responded...

Sermon | 10 years ago

From the Worshiping Christ in Daily Life sermon series.