Partners with Grace Bible Church
As part of our Philosophy of Ministry and Philosophy of Leadership, Grace Bible Church strives to strengthen, encourage, and multiply the works of the Gospel through the work of the local church. By keeping Colossians 1:28 centered, we present our best effort to train men who will carry this charge to "present everyone mature in Christ" and proclaim, warn, and teach will all wisdom. The elders of Grace Bible Church have purposely given focus to how we as a church aid in the proclamation of the coming Kingdom and made an effort in the following ways: church planting, church revitalization, intentional and accountable training and discipleship, leadership building, and future shepherding ministry practice and seminary preparation.
Church Planting
Grace Bible Church has sent trained men and their families to these churches to serve as pastors or has provided elder-guided assistance in the planting of these local bodies. We do this in accordance to 2 Timothy 1:14 and 2 Timothy 2:2 as we " entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also."
Berean Baptist Church
Pickerington, Ohio
Joe Divelbiss, Senior Pastor
Website | Email
Warner Mountain Bible Church
Alturas, California
Website | Email
Revitalization and Pulpit Filling
We have been blessed with several men who are currently offering to preach and exposit God's Word while these churches work towards a permanent plan to install a full-time pastor. Our men are either seminary graduates or are working towards this goal, and our elders are in regular communication with these churches to meet their needs.
Sovereign Grace Church Tehachapi
Tehachapi, California
Website | Email
Pastoral Training
Grace Bible Church encourages men who are called to ministry by God to attend formal pastoral training and seminary and works with our members destined to fulfill this high pursuit for their lives. Our desire is to see men adequately prepared to serve
Biblical Counseling
While not all men are called to the office of pastor and shepherd, we encourage those who have been called to lead to be trained in the areas of theology, leadership, and counseling. We provide an annual Biblical Counseling training event (often in partnership with The Master's University Center for Biblical Counseling or the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors) for anyone who desires to be trained in this discipline, and all laymembers are encouraged to complete Bible Training Institute, our discipleship and spiritual growth course.
The Master's Fellowship
Grace Bible Church, particularly our Senior Pastor, is privileged to be a part of The Master's Fellowship and help in the facilitation and guidance along with other like-minded Kern County pastors.
Grace Advance
Grace Bible Church of Bakersfield became a Grace Advance Church in 2012 when we began a search for a new Senior Pastor. This vital church revitalization and church planting program is a branch of The Masters Seminary to accurately place well-qualified pastors in the right places with the right teams. Three of GBC's pastors have been through this program and have helped drive the ministry forward. Because of the success of this plant, two of GBC's Elders have been regular instructors at Grace Advance since 2015 and continue to help share their insights with other pastors around the globe.
Grace Bible Church wholly supports the ministry of The Masters Academy International (TMAI) to train and equip pastors by establishing Bible-centered training centers around the globe, led by in-country staff. Members of GBC are intimately involved with the leadership and training efforts and financially support individual missionaries that has made dynamic impacts in their countries.
For more information about how Grace Bible Church trains and encourages men for ministry, please e-mail