Staff Profile

David Papillon

Pastor of Student Ministries

David and Serena have enjoyed marriage since May 2012. Since that time, they've enjoyed watching God bless them with the addition of three precious children, Juliet, Jane, and Andrew. David grew up in a strong Christian home where Gospel truth was both made clear and compellingly modeled. He finally came to saving faith in Christ Jesus in high school. Following salvation, David began sensing the desire and call for full-time Christian ministry. In 2013, he graduated from Moody Bible Institute with an emphasis in Biblical Exposition. Then 2017, he graduated from the Master’s Seminary with a Master’s of Divinity. In ministry, David seeks to make Christ known to students and to call them to faith and obedience in Him. “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23).

Oversight of Youth Ministries

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